26 June 2010

Shifting Calories - Theory or Fact?

Shifting Calories is the latest buzz word in the weight loss field. While in the recent past, the most popular diets were based on the deprivation of either calories or a certain food group such as carbs, fat or protein, Shifting Calories provides an entirely different approach to weight loss, one which provides a fast and continuous fat loss.

Shifting Calories works by supplying you with a menu of healthy, balanced meals which contain food which is right for you to eat at certain hours of the day. These meals are then constantly shifted around so your metabolism never gets used to any eating routine. This is important because it was discovered that deprivation diets (low carb, low fat, and low calorie) cause your metabolism to slow down, so you may lose weight with these diets in the beginning, but it gets harder and harder to lose more with time, and it is also difficult to maintain what you lost. But shifting your calories insures that this won’t happen to you.

Is this just a theory or is anyone actually using it?

Calorie Shifting has been used by tens of thousands of people around the world. In fact, one of the most popular diets today, the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet (also known as Weight Loss 4 Idiots) is based on it. To say it’s a theory would be ridiculous as it has a proven track record with tons of satisfied customers.

Following the shifting calories is relatively easy, since you follow a predetermined menu. But it takes discipline. You have to stick to the menu and not deviate from it. However, if you do stick to it, you have every chance to succeed.

20 June 2010

Stop drinking anything that has calories

I’ll give you one exception - protein drinks. If that sounds difficult, I’m going to show you how to do it.

I used to love drinking Coke and Mountain Dew. But I changed all that in a matter of days by doing one simple thing. And this little step continues to save me thousands of calories every week.

And this is how I did it.

I started adding a couple of Stevia packets to the water I drink. Stevia is a natural substitute for sugar. This is not to be confused with all the other sugar substitutes that are unnatural man-made chemicals. And the water tastes exceptionally sweet. My cravings for Coke and Mountain Dew were gone in about three days.

It was that easy.

Make sure to eat breakfast everyday - and make sure it contains plenty of fiber and protein

Beyond a doubt, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It sets the tone for the rest of the day. A great ideal breakfast is half a can of black beans with scrambled eggs. That’ll get you going. They completely satisfy your hunger and rev your metabolism for the rest of the day.

After eating a nutritious breakfast, you’ll notice that you don’t crave junk foods as much throughout the remainder of the day. A scoop of protein powder added to rolled oatmeal is also a great breakfast if scrambled eggs and black beans aren’t your favorites.

This is the ideal fat person weight loss method to put into play.

14 June 2010

Top Light Ice Cream Picks

It can be tough to stay on your diet while satisfying your craving for yummy, creamy ice cream (Particularly if that craving occurs nightly!). Some ice creams contain more than 300 calories per half-cup serving. The good news is, many varieties are now available that will please your taste buds for half the calories -- or less -- of regular ice cream.

Thanks to a method called cold churning, which is also known as double- or slow-churning, the manufacturing process thoroughly disperses small globules of milk fat throughout the ice cream. Churning kneads the fat molecules, stretches them and spreads them evenly, which provides these lower-calorie ice creams with the same texture as the regular varieties. Basically, the process makes you think you're eating more fat than you actually are!

It's important to remember, though, that not all "diet" ice creams are as diet-friendly as you may think. For instance, varieties labeled as reduced-fat contain just 25% less fat than the regular version; light versions contain half the fat of regular ice cream. Generally, the lowest calorie choice is one labeled low-fat, which means it has less than three grams of fat per serving.

Of course, if you don't like the taste of the lowest fat ice cream, it's not going to do you any good. And, if you're anything like me, a bad experience with a diet food can leave you reaching for more of the "real thing" than you would have consumed in the first place. Fortunately I've done some (tasty!) research and can provide you with what I consider freezer aisle winners. Here are some of my top light ice cream picks:

Note: Unless otherwise indicated, the caloric count is for a half-cup serving.


My preferred brand among all lighter ice creams is Edy's. I've tried a lot of flavors and have rarely been disappointed. (Edy's is marketed as Dreyer's brand in some locations, so be sure to look for it if you can't find Edy's.)

My favorite ice cream growing up was mint chocolate chip, and Edy's Slow Churned Light Mint Chocolate Chip solves a nostalgic craving for it for just 120 calories. It has a refreshing flavor and plenty of chocolate chips in every spoonful.

Another favorite is Edy's Slow Churned Light Peanut Butter Cup. It is a two-fer -- it solves both a candy and an ice cream craving! It has 130 calories per serving and tastes very indulgent, just salty and sweet enough, yet it isn't too rich to be enjoyable.

Breyers Double Churn Free Caramel Swirl would be my runner-up to Edy's and at 100 calories, it tastes like gooey caramel popcorn married a tub of ice cream. (Another cravings-busting two-fer!)

More of my scoop-able picks include:

* Edy's Slow Churned Rich and Creamy Vanilla - 100 calories
* Breyers Double Churned Light, Creamy Vanilla - 100 calories
* Weight Watchers Vanilla Fudge Sundae Cup (1 container) - 160 calories

Bonus Tip: Don't eat out of the container -- not even the dinky "junior" sizes that are available now. You may be surprised to find you can satisfy your craving for fewer calories: Spoon out half what you think you want, eat it slowly and stop and think before getting more -- resist seconds if "first" did the trick.


My top pick among ice cream bars is the Weight Watchers Sherbet and Ice Cream Bar. They are available in strawberry, key lime and passion fruit. These are similar to Creamsicles with sherbet on the outside and creamy vanilla ice cream on the inside ... all for only 60 calories.

My other bar picks are:

* Fudgesicle 100 Calorie Premium Fudge Bar (1 bar) - 100 calories
* Weight Watchers Giant Fudge Bar (1 bar) - 110 calories
* Skinny Cow Low Fat Fudge Bar (1 bar) - 100 calories


My favorite ice cream sandwich is the Klondike Slim-a-Bear 100 Calorie Ice Cream Bar. They are slightly smaller than other sandwiches, but don't let that fool you -- you won't reach for a second. With two grams of fiber it's going to be more filling thank you think.

Other sandwich picks are:

* Weight Watchers Vanilla Ice Cream Sandwich (1) - 120 calories
* Breyers Light Double Churned Vanilla Ice Cream Sandwich (1) - 130 calories
* Skinny Cow Low Fat Vanilla Ice Cream Sandwich (1) - 140 calories

12 June 2010

Weight Loss Camps Address The Emotional Side Of Obesity

What were once called 'fat camps' are now weight loss or fitness camps according to brochures. The goal of such residence camps is to help teens learn how to balance diet with exercise to achieve weight loss. The focus is on strategies to maintain a healthy diet and on teaching the benefits of regular exercise in a weight loss plan.

The overweight kid at school often gets teased. This can make them feel much more self conscious when exercising which can in turn put off the idea of doing any exercise. Registering for a weight loss camp though is great because they don't have to worry about being teased. Everyone else is a similar weight and knows what each other are going through.

Teenagers often have excuses as to why they become obese. Some include the following: they are big-boned, genetics play a part in weight and size just does not matter. Teenagers often learn these things from their overweight/obese parents, who are also unhappy with their weight but lack the willpower to do anything about it.

Time spent at weight loss camp allows obese teens to be open about their feelings and frustrations. Others at the camp face the same challenges and can be quick to tear down the excuses offered by another camp member.

Being overweight is something that is very uncomfortable, especially as teenagers. Teenagers are always very conscious about their appearance and being overweight can cause nothing but problems. These excuses that people use are just a way of removing the blame from yourself. Many teens will try and say that they are big boned and that obesity runs in their family. They try to convince themselves that low metabolism is the reason that they are unable to lose weight so that they feel better. They don't believe the excuses, but are looking for a way to prevent people challenging them.

However, teen weight loss camps will address these issues right away. Teenagers, who claim genetics is the cause behind their obesity, are often asked if the entire family is overweight. If they say they have a low metabolism, the teenagers will be challenged to raise their metabolism by exercising. If they say big is beautiful, they'll be asked why they are at weight loss camp. When teenagers face other overweight/obese teenagers who have said all the same excuses, it's only a matter of time that being honest and facing their insecurities is the only choice.

Defensiveness is no longer needed when teens are among friends who understand the problems associated with being obese. Free of worries about how you look to others, they can be themselves and let their personality and humor show.

Teens are fully aware that being overweight can affect their health and cause damage to it, however many fail to understand the emotional problems that they are causing to their body. Discussing your problem somewhere you can trust people is the first step on the road to getting better.

Weight loss camps want to teens to be truthful and sincere about how they are feeling...as it helps them realize why they are overweight/obese and that it isn't who they are inside. It also helps them to get control of the weight so they can be the person they always wanted to be.

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How To Lose 50 Pounds Fast

To lose 50 pounds is never an easy thing to do. But people have done it before you, so it’s entirely within your power. I say this only to be straight with you: it’s not going to be easy for you, but you can succeed if you set your mind to it. I can only suggest a way in which you can do it.

To lose 50 pounds fast, you need a diet which will provide a fast and continuous weight loss. Fast because you want to get thin as soon as possible, continuous because it takes time to lose 50 pounds. To do so, you need a diet which will work in the long term and not just in the short term. That’s why you need to be extra careful when choosing a diet to follow, since most diets will only work short term and not long.

To lose 50 lbs as fast as possible, I recommend a diet called Fat Loss 4 Idiots. Why do I make this recommendation? Because this diet provides a fast and continuous weight loss, just as we decided you need in order to achieve your goal.

How does this diet work? Fat Loss 4 Idiots is an online diet, which means that you download it to your computer. You get an ebook with diet tips and guidelines for you to follow, and a unique menu generating software through which you get a personal menu which is based on foods selected by you. The reason it’s called Fat Loss 4 Idiots is that you just need to stick to the menu (which has 4 meals each day) in order to succeed. It’s so simple an idiot can do it.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is based on the Calorie Shifting diet method. This is a scientific method by which you maintain a high metabolic rate by eating different types of calories throughout the day. That way your metabolism remains running high, unlike many other diets which cause the metabolism to slow down.

How much can you lose with this diet? The diet says you can lose 9 pounds every 11 days. I say that even if your lose 6-7 pounds in that time frame, you should be very happy. According to this weight loss rate, you can expect to lose 50 pounds in as little as 4 months which is very impressive.

I hope I’ve given you something to consider when you ask yourself how to lose 50 pounds fast. I wish you the best of luck.

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